Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pass Interference?

Not in my view, especially so late in the game and against the home team. This call officially ended the game breaking the heart of hog fans. The Razorbacks should have had a 34 yard field goal attempt to win the game 24-23.

Here's how it all went down:

After cutting Ole Miss's lead to two with a 22 yard touchdown pass to Greg Childs, Arkansas recovered an onside kick with a little over a minute to go. On the kick, the refs at first called it Ole Miss's ball, but after a review on the PigScreen clearly showed an Arkansas recovery the refs could not ignore the fans. They reviewed the play and overturned it. Very shortly thereafter, the refs made another call (pass-interference) against the Razorbacks that got the crowed upset. This time there was no review, and the game was essentially over.

To all this, plus the Kentucky game, I loudly say, F-U SEC refs. In neighborhood football and basketball we called this a p**** foul. I am clearly mad at the refs for the calls against the hogs, but I have to hand it to that one SEC ref who tackled the South Carolina player - that was a nice hit.

Here's the NCAA rule on pass-interference:

Each player has territorial rights, and incidental contact is allowed under ‘attempt to reach…the pass’ in Rule 7-3-8. If opponents who are beyond the line collide while moving toward the pass, a foul by one or both players is indicated only if intent to impede the opponent is obvious.”

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